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Strip down to your

signature essence to

attract & keep your Dream


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When was the last time you were turned on your own body? your relationship?

...with men?



Tap into your Magic and Magnetism

Your body is talking dirty to you with those ‘signs and symptoms’… this is your opportunity to learn its language.

When the body carries unprocessed trauma, the head is the only safe place to be.

It's time to get out of your head and into your BODY.

It's time to embrace your true Feminine Essence.

I can help you strip the armor caused by:

Love & Relationship Trauma

Codependency Dynamics

Anxious/Avoidant Attachment Styles

Mindset Blocks & Limiting Beliefs

Un-serving Lifestyle Habits 

and help you become MAGNETIC to attract your desires,

 including Love, Money, Partnership

& Health


Within my 1:1 Signature Program I will… 


Help Women Remove the Masculine Shield and Armor they have put up as a protective mechanism; that once was necessary and needed to keep them safe, but is now a hindrance to get the very thing they crave- a deep and lasting love connection and relationship. 


The ‘shield’ or ‘armor’ can show up in the form of extra weight on the body; or it can show up as being overly ‘masculine’... meaning they can show up excessively in their masculine energy: being controlling, overworking, unable to relax, and to receive- even compliments, help, ease, money and especially love from a healthy masculine man. Sleeping around, drinking too much, or even an obsession with working out/ orthorexia (having a perfect diet/body/image).


This also especially shows up as hyper-independence, the Boss Babe archetype, or the women who say things like they don’t need a man, etc, but actually deep down cry with their girlfriends after a few glasses of wine, wondering why they can’t have that, and are clueless as to why it eludes them (or find themselves in loveless or passionless marriages, one or both people having affairs, looking outside of the relationship for fulfilment, connection, sexual and emotional intimacy).

If this is YOU, don't worry, you are in the right place!

I can absolutely help you with this!

What once used to protect them, is now confining and restricting them.  


When the mistreatment or abuse by past men and relationships, and/or the lack of a strong, present, protective father figure in their life, they unknowingly end up putting on all this armor and shields to keep themselves safe.


These situations left some kind of imprint on them, that they have pushed aside in a survival mode in order to keep functioning because they had to. In many ways this was a necessity for a time because a younger version of them didn’t have the time, the tools, the resources, or the level of spiritual or emotional maturity to be able to process it, so they go into a survival mode and put ‘caution tape’ around it, leaving it to be dealt with at a future time.


But after some time, sometimes years or even decades, they realize this is not getting them the results they want. They are ready to release this “shell” that doesn’t fit anymore.

Many of these past unhealthy dynamics, patterns, and relationships cause intense stress, cortisol and unease in the body… no amount of eating greens or taking supplements can compensate for the dis-ease created in the body because of these dynamics.  


Even if these situations or relationships happened some time ago, if they haven’t been properly addressed and dealt with, the symptoms and problems will keep showing up until they are. It affects sleep, focus, eating patterns, etc in the short term, but when these patterns and similar relationship dynamics show up over and over again or are sustained for a long period of time (or are super intense), the body and emotions become less and less resilient and it starts taking a serious toll on your physical and mental health, and your overall ease, joy and fulfillment in life.




My Signature 1:1 Private Coaching Program

is the perfect way to jumpstart your transformation. 

A 12-week journey that will completely change the trajectory of your love life.


It will help you heal the trauma that is blocking you from the loving relationship you so deeply desire, it will get you out of your head and into your body, it will help you to step into your true feminine essence, stripping away your armor and freeing you to attract and keep the dream relationship you have always wanted.

-3 x 60 min calls/ month via Zoom

(can be used for Shamanic Healing Sessions as well)


-messaging support via Voxer in between calls to ensure maximum progress and accountability.

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Personalized coaching tailored specifically to you to help clarify goals and blocks.


STRIPPED means removing the armor, the masculine shield, the layers and patterns and residual traumas stuck in the physical and energetic bodies.


To reveal your Signature Essence to attract the people, men, relationship and opportunities that resonate with YOUR Unique Signature.


What you will NOT be getting


A quick fix: Real change takes time, and while progress can be quick, Transformation is a journey.


Generic advice: Everything is tailored specifically to you and your unique situation.


What's Included


9 x 1:1 Coaching/Healing Sessions: (total value $3,000)


I am highly experienced in the following modalities: 


  • Childhood Trauma Work (total value $750)

  • Shadow Work (total value $750)

  • Healing Attachment Styles (total value $1,000)

  • Holistic Nutrition & Health Coaching (total value $1,500)

  • Shamanic & Energetic Healing Work (total value $1,000)

  • Dating Strategies (total value $750)

  • Feminine Embodiment (total value $750)

  • Practical & Real-life Manifestation Techniques (total value $500)

  • Relationship Tools & Techniques (total value $2,000)


Total Value you will access from STRIPPED : $12,000

The Investment: 

one-time fee of $4,000 


3X split payments of $1,665 (Total Investment $5,000)


you will experience -

  • The LOVE, RELATIONSHIP and FREEDOM you desire

  • Renewed Passion In & Out of the Bedroom

  • Deep Embodiment & Healing of Past Traumas

  • Reclaiming of your Voice, Freedom, POWER

  • Shedding the Skin of your Past

  • Mind, Body, Heart, Soul Healing

  • Healthy Standards and Boundaries

  • Stronger Emotional Intelligence 

  • Effective Communication 

  • Improved Nutrition, Exercise, Movement, Sleep

  • Deeper Joy and Pleasure

  • Increased Receptive Feminine Energy

  • Improved Gut and Body Health 

  • Reclamation of Fragmented Soul parts, reintegrated back into the Body

  • Better Sex Life

  • Manifesting the Man & Relationship of your Dreams!

Learn the Language of your Body
the Art of Love.

​Many women will stay single and without a deep love relationship (or even attempting one) because of all the triggers that come up in these dynamics and often don’t have the proper framework or tools to navigate this.  


Learning which red flags and situations can be worked through and which ones are deal-breakers; issues in navigating intense emotions and triggers; and how to communicate needs, fears, and insecurities. 


Or they will stay in a passionless or loveless relationship/marriage because it feels secure, but deep down isn’t meeting their true desires and needs.

There have been studies that show, women who are in a safe, healthy and loving relationship, when wounds have been purposely made to their skin, have had these wounds heal much faster than the women who did not have a comforting and supportive partner and relationship. 


As much as an unhealthy relationship (includes all relationships, but as an adult, especially intimate romantic relationships because they take up a major focus), can create dis-ease and major health issues in the body such as autoimmune and chronic health conditions; equally a safe, healthy, nourishing relationship can be a healing balm to not only the soul, but the body as well. It can literally help the cells heal at a faster rate because of the emotional safety created.

Trauma is created in relationships, and I strongly believe as much as we can and should do some level of healing on our own, ultimately without the container of the relationship and the mirror it holds to us, showing where we still have triggers and things to work through, we ultimately can only heal and grow so much.

Relationship is the highest container for personal and spiritual development. Intimate, romantic, and parenting relationships are at the forefront; These containers and dynamics mirror back to you your deepest wounds, triggers, and places where you need healing.


Embracing the transformative power of Relationships requires courage and vulnerability, but it is through these connections that we unearth the gems of our true selves. Trauma happens in Relationships, and therefore healing ultimately occurs in Relationships; with the right people, parameters, and framework of course.

Your shamanic 
love & relationship

​I am Crystal Chadwick, a certified holistic health coach, trained shaman, and experienced dating, love, & relationship coach all in one.  I'm here to guide you towards reigniting that inner fire to get your metabolism burning again, to get your love life back, & your passion for life turned on...​

I will help you take down the ‘shield’ and strip away all the armor in the form of limiting beliefs, fears, bad habits, and trauma stuck in the energetic and physical bodies. We will overcome your fears and find the strength to let go of your guarded heart. You are ready to become the most empowered, magnetic version of yourself to attract your deepest desires.


Through a holistic and shamanic approach, I help women not only learn the tools of manifesting, attracting & relating; but I also help heal the body and nervous system as a result of the past trauma through nutrition, wellness protocols, and energetic and shamanic healing sessions. 


I can help with the anxious/avoidant and codependent dynamics, women who try to pursue or control men and the relationship, women who only get men who they aren’t attracted to, or men who only offer situationships or lackluster commitment.  


I also help women who have issues with intimacy, their sex life, communicating their desires in and out of the bedroom, repairing after conflict, and rebuilding trust if the foundation has been broken in a relationship or marriage; as well as reigniting the passion and romance if it’s been missing. 


I help them learn how to be strong on the inside and soft on the outside; 

Instead of feeling soft and vulnerable on the inside, so therefore having to carry that ‘protection’ around them- keeping men, love and deep fulfilling romance and partnership at bay.

My clients build a body they love and feel safe in, manifest health, attract their dream man, create their dream relationship, and find more success!

Book with me if you want to learn the Language of your Body and the Art of Love.

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“When I met Crystal, I was currently separated from my spouse and going through a divorce. At the time, I thought for sure my marriage was over, and I was going to have to rebuild my life from scratch again. It seemed easier at the time for me to date and explore other options rather than dealing with the deeper issues in myself and my marriage. I was essentially “escaping” and running away from the people and things I really cared about instead of facing the core of the problems head on. After a few sessions with Crystal, I quickly got to the core of what was going on for me, and what I was really looking for. Right before my spouse filed the divorce papers, I was able to come to my senses and do the inner work to address what was really going on for me. Her intuition is on point and sometimes a little scary because it’s so spot on!"

Danielle Hansen


-Get naked with your truth -

The Investment:


Save $1,000 and access STRIPPED for a one-time fee of $4,000 


OR, you can access STRIPPED for 3X split payments of $1,665      (Total Investment $5,000)

Results Guarantee included that ensure your goals are achieved


Guaranteed progress in communication, understanding, and emotional management within the three months, or I will provide an additional month of coaching free of charge


If you're ready to explore a future where Meaningful Connections await, let's confirm that this journey is perfect for you.


Click below to schedule a personalized consultation with me. Together, we'll determine if STRIPPED is the key to unlocking the Fulfilling Relationship you've been seeking.


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